The actual world is divided more or less in two parts, the developed world and the developing world. This is due to very complex factors, but is mostly the consequence of schemes carried on during several centuries by colonialists and imperialists exploiting others for their own benefits. This anomaly still exists, though it has now taken a more subtle form. Furthermore, the assumption that poor countries can never fill the gap separating them from rich countries is still prevalent. In other words, Third World countries should depend on super powers. This is pure nonsense.
After gaining their national self-determination and independence, Third World countries started developing their economy, culture, education, science and technology. The right to develop is an inalienable right of man, as an individual or as a group. It goes without saying that this can only be acquired once people have reached self-determination, including the right to control their own wealth and natural resources.
To realize this right to development, it is imperative that all governments establish a practical development strategy and relevant policies, taking into account the specific and true conditions of their country.
This also calls for the creation of a favourable international environment in which the influences of racism, colonialism and hegemony are once and for all eliminated, foreign aggression and violation eradicated, and international peace and security firmly maintained.
On the economic field, all countries, the developed ones in particular, must adopt effective political measures in order to solve the unbalanced structure of the world economy and improve the international economic environment, at the same time eliminating the unfavourable factors hindering the development of national economies in Third World countries.
At the 41st session of the United Nations’ General Assembly, a “Declaration of the Right to Development” was adopted. The sole existence of this Declaration has enriched the Human Right’s concept and expresses new understanding and needs, more in line with the present situation of the international community. Moreover, it asserts that the Right to Development is a sacred right of Third World countries striving to develop their nations.